Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Community Garden

So we went to the community garden this morning to pick some of the millions and millions of green beans and also some zucchini and squast, the girls loved it!!! OK Indie say cheese!

Indie was getting ready to go home!

Here's our loot from the garden, do we eat all this? No way (you know my husband and his LOVE of veggies) we take it to neighbors etc.

These girls loved picking the zucchini, now if we can get them to eat it!!


Bree said...

What?! 2 postings in less than 5 months. Nat, you just made my day. Make some zucchini bread for me! Are you canning you beans?

m_n said...

Hi! I'm masaki! such cute girls!! In Japan, there is a MANGA called "uchi-no-sannshimai"(means "our 3 sisters in my family"), and I remembered that!
I love cute childs photo! it makes me happy!

Brittanie said...

WOW!! I LOVE all the new and recent pictures of the family. The girls love to see them too, every day they ask to see the pic's of Jenna & Jace.
What a fun and crazy summer for you!

Unknown said...

Hey I love this, Now I can keep up with you and your family. I miss you guys tons! The girls are so cute!

BossyMommy said...

Your girls are sooo cute, and I love you dearly, but your blog is soooo sad. How bout an update?

Jeannie Young said...

Cute pictures! It was good to talk to you a few weeks ago. Your girls are adorable. I think it's time for a new post. I'm dying to see your Halloween pictures. Love you!